
Choose Iowa Members proudly grow, raise and make local Iowa foods.
Membership Benefits
  • Use of Choose Iowa logo including food labels and packaging. 
  • Inclusion in the Find Local directory (customize your own business profile). 
  • Cooperative advertising opportunities. 
  • Social media/digital promotions. 
  • Member newsletter with grant/funding opportunities, program updates, industry news and more. 
  • What additional benefits would you (as a current or potential member) like to see? Please share your input in our survey
Membership Criteria
  • Produce, process, prepare or sell foods in Iowa that meet or exceed the minimum criteria or be an organization that supports the Choose Iowa program and its members. Foods must meet or exceed minimum criteria to proudly wear the Choose Iowa logo on their package or label, including: 
    • Fresh produce and commodities must be 100 percent grown or raised in Iowa. 
    • Meat and meat products must be derived from animals born, raised and finished in Iowa. Slaughter and processing must take place in a state- or federally inspected plant located in the state of Iowa. 
    • Dairy products must be from animals in Iowa and processing must take place in a state-inspected plant located in the state of Iowa. 
    • Eggs must be from animals in Iowa. 
    • Apicultural products produced by honeybees, including honey, wax, pollen and propolis bearing the Choose Iowa logo must be 100 percent of Iowa origin. Honey products must utilize honey that is 100 percent of Iowa origin. 
    • Beer or cider bearing the Choose Iowa logo must be produced in Iowa and contain at least one Iowa agricultural product, such as Iowa malt, hops, apples, corn, or soluble remnant, excluding water. 
    • Wine must contain a minimum of 75 percent Iowa grapes. 
    • Spirits must be distilled in Iowa and contain at least one Iowa agricultural product, excluding water. 
  • Be in good standing with and currently reside or conduct business in the state of Iowa. 
  • Apply for membership and pay an annual membership fee of $100 if membership is approved.  
  • View the Administrative Rules for full membership criteria.