T.D. and Sarah Holub are working hard to create a diverse and sustainable farm to improve the health of people in their community. They started farming vegetables at Garden Oasis Farm in 2013 on a half-acre. Now, their farm is a 10-acre operation that includes high tunnels and greenhouses. T.D. and Sarah also have a pasture-raised broiler operation to further diversify their farm. They market through a CSA and farm-side pick-up program, and sell their produce and meat wholesale to grocery stores and restaurants. At this field day, you’ll have a chance to learn about and test a variety of hand tools, gain in-depth experience with transplanting crops and more.
*Due to the hands-on nature of this event, attendance is limited to 20 participants and registration is required. Complete event details will be provided upon registration.
Refreshments will follow the field day.
See & Discuss
- Greenhouse organization and work flow
- Hand tools, their purpose and how to use them
- The process and equipment used to transplant crops
- Cultivation tools, and what they look like in action
- The washing and packing facility
Due to the hands-on nature of this event, attendance is limited to 20 participants and registration is required. Complete event details will be provided upon registration.
provided upon completed registration
Coggon, IA 52218
United States
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The Choose Iowa events calendar is provided as a convenience to Choose Iowa program participants and affiliated agriculture organizations. Neither Choose Iowa nor the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship endorses or sponsors the event, conduct or management and cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information.